আমাদের সম্পর্কে
  • info.abclearningbd@gmail.com
  • +8801714443345

আমাদের সম্পর্কে

ABC LEARNING is an online and offline based educational and skill development platform which works to ensure student needs for upgrading their qualities in the field of Higher Study, IELTS, BCS, Jobs and IT sector. We Provides quality of education through online and offline media. Our Services-

Job Sectors

BCS Job Preparation, Bank Job Preparation, Primary Job Preparation, NTRCA Job Preparation and other job preparation.

Skill Development

Spoken English, Professional English, English Grammar, English Writing Basic Course, English Vocabulary Course, Learning Holy Quran, Smart Hand Writing Course.

IT courses

Computer Basic Course, A to Z for Freelancing, Data Entry Basic Course with Market place, Word Excel and Power point  Basic Course, Digital marketing, You tube Marketing, Facebook Marketing, SEO Course for Beginners, Video Editing, Graphic Design, Web Design, Motion Graphics, Cartoon Animation, Ethical Hacking, Programming and so on.

IELTS Courses

IELTS Speaking Course, IELTS Reading Course, IELTS Writing Course, IELTS Listening Course, Basic Information of IELTS, IELTS Vocabulary Course. 


ABC Learning wants to ensure quality of Education in the field of IT, Skill Development and job Sectors through online social media platform and offline also. We want to ensure such kinds qualities. Such as-

# To provide quality, useful, easy-to-understand and up-to-date courses.

# To strive for continuous improvement by measuring our learners demands.

# To empower and educate people who want to develop their skills.

# To establish and maintain positive, long-term relationships with our learners. Students, teachers and parents will be benefited from our learning center.

# To obtain feedback from users on satisfaction levels of current courses, as well as new services and implement changes accordingly.

 # To destroy all kinds of barriers of ensuring quality education to all across Bangladesh. It can be either economical, geographical or informational barriers.

# To make quality education accessible and free for all the students of Bangladesh.